
UNC’s 拉丁传统车尾门和足球比赛 is A Great Way to Celebrate our Commun密度



UNC strives to build an inclusive campus which fosters and nurtures a diverse, inclusive 公平的环境. That includes celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month. 

9月开始.北科罗拉多大学的csamar Chávez文化中心 是hosting numerous events during the month-long celebration for students, alumni and the 格里利社区. 

On campus, the celebration is called Latinx Heritage Month to encompass the Hispanic and Latino 社区 who identify across the spectrum of gender identities. 我们的目标 and intention is to highlight Latinx culture and the contributions students, alumni, faculty and staff who identify as Hispanic or Latinx have made to improve the 社区. 

One event hosted is the Latinx Heritage Tailgate and football game on 9月. 30. 

校友, campus 和格里利公社密度 members are invited to come together, eat Latinx-style foods like tacos, tortas, churros and more, listen to culturally reflective music from an alumna-owned Spanish-language radio station and learn more about how Hispanic and Latinx-identifying individuals have made an impact on campus and in the Greeley 社区. 

Evan Partida, a UNC student who is helping coordinate the event for the second year, considers working on this event an honor and a privilege. 

“This event is very important and valuable,” reflects Partida on last year’s tailgate. “A lot of people who live around Greeley are Hispanic or拉丁裔. 博天堂官方的庆祝方式令人惊叹.”

With more than 25% of UNC’s undergraduate student population and 40% of Greeley’s population identifying as Hispanic or Latinx, there is a lot to celebrate. 

This year, Partida is excited to see the tailgate brought to the next level. 他希望 to bring in even more top-notch food vendors than last year, and Tigre radio will 在活动期间播放音乐. 

林赛·萨拉查,老虎电台的老板, is excited to provide Spanish-language music for the event. 

“Music will always be the one universal language,” Salazar says. “在所有文化中, music unites, and listening to music from other cultures opens us up to understand 一个另一个.” 

To Salazar, culturally reflective events allow students to understand each other's culture and are a great way to forge deeper friendships. 她指出格里利的 社区 is ever-changing and more culturally diverse than many might realize, citing a visit to an elementary school recently where students were speaking 15 or so different 一间教室的语言. 

The divers密度 that is present and growing in the 社区 speaks to the growing divers密度 在博天堂官方校园里. 

Cristóbal Garcia ’08, associate director of 校友关系 and staff fellow for Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) initiatives, emphasizes how important the events hosted throughout the month can be for students and alumni. 

“With culturally reflective events and programs like these, we get to have fun while building a sense of belonging for current and prospective students, their families, our alumni and 社区 partners and our local Greeley/Evans 社区 — which is nearly 40% Hispanic and Latinx-identifying,” Garcia said. 

As UNC continues to pursue the federal HSI designation, finding opportunities to serve, celebrate and find success for our Hispanic and Latinx-identifying students is and 会继续成为焦点吗. 

The Latinx Heritage Tailgate is not an isolated event, there are other upcoming univers密度-led and 社区-based programs and events for everyone to learn from. 来自历史展览 to the kickoff of the new Latinx Music Bachelor of 艺术 program, there’s bound to 成为每个人都喜欢的东西.


As part of the National Hispanic Heritage Month, the entire UNC 和格里利公社密度 被邀请 以下是校园活动 和格里利公社密度拉丁传统月活动.

9月. 15 - 拉丁传统月开幕  

The UNC 社区 celebrates the launch of Latinx Heritage Month at the César Chávez 下午1:30文化中心.m.  

9月. 16 - 史密森尼博物馆博天堂官方网站Dolores Huerta的展览 

This collaborative effort brings an exhibit by the Smithsonian featuring the struggles and work of Dolores Huerta and will include a section on struggles and contributions of local migrant workers and other minoritized populations as well as a section on CCCC和拉丁裔学生运动. 开球将在下午5点举行.m.,在… 格里利历史博物馆(须购买门票).  

9月. 30 - ¡进来吧! 拉丁裔学生和家庭博天堂官方活动 

This FREE event offers students and families the opportun密度 to learn more about the 大学搜索,录取和经济援助过程. 活动上午9点开始.m., is fully bilingual in English and Spanish, and includes a free breakfast and access to discounted tickets to UNC's 拉丁传统车尾门和足球比赛.   

9月. 30 - 拉丁传统车尾门和足球比赛 

In celebration of Latinx Heritage Month, the Division of Divers密度, Equ密度 and Inclusion, UNC 体育运动 and the 北卡大学校友会 are coming together to host the 2023 拉丁裔传统庆祝活动和足球比赛. 追尾活动上午11点开始.m. 在诺丁汉球场. 

10月. 13 - ¡Celebremos! 拉丁音乐和文化节 

Join members of the UNC 和格里利公社ities in celebrating the launch of the College of Performing and Visual 艺术 Bachelor of 艺术 in Latinx Music degree program and 开启博天堂官方的返校周末. 该链接为与会者提供两张免费门票 到晚上7:30.m. 显示.