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Prospective Students FAQ

You can find answers to commonly asked questions about admissions and the program here:

  • Are Fall 2024 Applications still open?

    Applications for assistantships for Fall 2024 are closed. 所有目前的申请人将被通知助教职位的第一个 week of April 2024. 如果你申请2024年秋季,请注意,没有进一步 assistantships will be available. Applications for Spring 2025 will not be considered until September 2024.

  • Questions about applying

    In general: 如果你想申请ASRM部门,你必须先向学校申请 at http://q8t.qukmj.com/apply/. When all of your paperwork is in and you have met the university requirements, your 我们会通知ASRM部门,看看你是否可以被录取 into our department. The faculty in 系里会检查你的成绩单,尤其是数学成绩 and statistics course grades. The faculty 他们也会检查你的推荐信和博天堂官方网站你为什么想成为一名学生的陈述 in this department, so please be 具体来说,如果你的数学和统计成绩较低,请告诉我 tell us why and what your plan is to 克服这些成绩,这样你才能在攻读硕士或博士学位时取得成功 program. After the faculty has made their 决定后,系主任会做出最后的决定,而你会 informed by the graduate school as to whether or not you will be accepted.

    Transcripts: 成绩单应该作为你入学信息的一部分送到研究生院, NOT to the department 主席,他是最后决定你是否应该被录取的人. Please do not send transcripts to the department, 因为我们不能只根据发给我们其中一人的成绩单做决定.  Transcripts are not required for assistantships; 到目前为止,助学金不是通过竞争获得的,尽管可能会有竞争 a time when admission may be more competitive. 如果竞争激烈,我们会评估你获得助教奖学金的机会 based on the transcripts, letters of 给研究生院的推荐信和你的目的陈述. 

    Statement of Goals: There are no limitations in your statement of goals; however, I urge you to be concise so we can better understand and help you meet your primary goals. See the advisor section below for more information.

    GPA: 无论你的平均成绩如何,你都可以申请ASRM硕士或博士学位 (GPA); however, the university requires at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the most recent degree earned.  If  you have less than a 3.0 GPA, especially 在数学和/或统计学课程中,你可能会被拒绝入学或被要求入学 to take some basic mathematics and statistics courses before you can be admitted to ASRM.

    GRE: GRE成绩不是ASRM理科硕士或理科硕士的入学要求 PhD degrees as of Fall 2023. If 您希望与我们分享您的GRE成绩,以便为您的申请提供额外的证据 ability to succeed, you are welcome, but it is not necessary; your previous grades and statement of intent are more heavily weighted in our decision to admit you.

    Application deadline: 大学的研究生申请截止日期是秋季的6月15日,秋季的11月15日 Spring, and March 15 for Summer; however, if you want an assistantship, your chances are much better if you apply before March for Fall.

    Other questions about applying: 博天堂官方办公室可以回答有关申请大学的问题. Whether you are a U.S. 市民或国际学生,你可以询问更多的信息 http://q8t.qukmj.com/apply/ 

    TOEFL or IELTS: 有关托福或雅思的问题应直接向国际博天堂官方处询问 office at international@qukmj.com. This is another university requirement that is not handled in our department.

    Application waiver: 在困难的情况下,研究生院有时可以免除申请费. Please ask the admissions office for information.

  • Questions about assistantships

    如果你被我们的项目录取,我们会尽力资助我们的学生至少一半的时间 助教奖学金(包括一半的学费和每月津贴), 如果我们有足够的资金支付你申请的学期,我们会尝试的 to fund you more fully. Determination of your funding from the department will 秋季学期为3月或4月,春季学期为10月或11月. 一旦我们知道了,我们会尽快让你知道我们能为你做些什么 有多少学生注册,我们有多少资金. Assistantships are not competitive at this time; you should not send your transcripts directly to the 系,而是通过研究生院的申请程序.

    Assistantships can be offered in four different ways:

    1) You can be a research consultant in our Research Consulting Lab (RCL; see http://q8t.qukmj.com/cebs/research-consulting-lab/);

    2)你可以教我们的STAT150课程和/或成为我们的统计导师 Study Center (SSC). STAT150的所有教师也必须辅导至少一个小时 the SSC.

    你可以在我们新的评估研究中心(ERC)工作. However, this is a 非常选择性的过程可能不会发生,直到你已经在我们的 在RCL和/或SSC工作过一段时间.

    4)可以担任研究生助教(GTA)或研究助理(GRA); 与ASRM教员合作教授课程或进行研究.

  • Questions about advising/mentorship

    你不需要在开始的时候选择一个特定的教练 项目,但我们敦促你尽快了解我们的教师,这样你就可以 选择一个研究顾问来指导你完成注册和 dissertation/masters  processes.  You will work with your research advisor to plan 你想要的课程和经历来实现你的主要目标 are here. 这些经历包括在我们的研究咨询中心担任 顾问(RCL),在我校统计研究中心(SSC)担任导师 in 我们的评估研究中心(ERC)作为非营利项目的评估者,和/或 与教授一起工作,作为研究或教学助理,除了计划 在本地、国内或国际公司实习,并为其撰写文章 publications. 

如果你的问题没有在这个列表中得到回答,请发邮件给兰迪·拉金斯 randy.larkins@qukmj.com and ASRM@qukmj.com, and we will try to answer all of your questions. 

最重要的是,如果你想了解这个部门的情况,请不要客气 to 问吧,但是如果你想要申请大学的信息,请写信给 unco.对于国际学生来说,最好的开始就是访问 http://q8t.qukmj.com/international-admissions/).